How does the termbase work?


The customer can upload a termbase and indicate the source language and target language. The termbase is then applied to all assignments for this language combination for that customer.
An existing termbase can be modified/adjusted by the customer. The modified termbase is then applied to all commands for this language combination for that customer.
If a word from the termbase appears in the source text, it is suggested to the translator during translation. The termbase takes precedence over the translation memory.

- If there are termbase words that need to be applied by the translator, this will be shown with the orange words (figure 1)
- If termbase words have been modified, this will be shown with the green words (figure 2)
- An explanation of the application of the termbase is shown under the 'i' (orange information icon) (figure 3).


Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3

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