KOR-request (small business owner regulation)

Are you a small business owner with a Dutch VAT number and do you want to use the small business regulation (in Dutch: kleineondernemersregeling)? Submit your request via your Fairlingo account.

  1. Press the arrow right to your name (figure 1)
  2. Go to ‘Settings’ (figure 2)
  3. Go to ‘Invoices’ (figure 3)
  4. When you scroll down, you will see the opportunity to do the request (figure 3)
  5. Press the word ‘request’ and upload the statement you’ve received from the tax authorities. Press the green ‘submit request’ button if you’re done filling in the required information (figure 4).
  6. As soon as Fairlingo has accepted your request, you will receive your payments and invoices with 0% VAT.


Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3


Figure 4

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