My translation was rejected

Rejected translation
A rejected translation can be found under "your finished" orders, with the feedback that it's rejected (see figure 1)

When is a translation rejected?
If an assignment has been translated poorly, it is rejected. Otherwise it would take the revisor too much time to correct the text. This button (figure 2) only shows up, if more than 30% of the text has been foreseen with corrections after submitting the page. 

You will not be paid for the part that has been rejected by the revisor.
You will still be paid for any text that you translated before, and that was approved by the revisor. Fairlingo works with batches of 400 words max. Consequently, this is the maximum number of words that payment can be withheld for. If you start translating more than one batch without any batches having been approved by the revisor, there is a risk that payment for more than 400 words can be withheld if the revisor does not approve your translation. 


Figure 1 


Figure 2


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