How does the level system work?

Levels and translation skills 

We are creating a new interpretation of the level system. As soon as we have more information, you can read it here.  

Gaining points

You gain points for the following:
Accepting a translation assignment: +50 points
For every translated word: +1 point
For every 3 revised words: +1 point

The following will result in points being deducted from your total:
Missing a deadline: - 1500 points
Bad rating from a revisor: -1500 points

The quality rating

As a translator, you need to have a rating of at least 6 out of 10 to be able to receive paid assignments. If your average rating is an 8 or above, you will get more assignments, and you will get them more quickly. If your average rating is a 6 or lower your account will be suspended. 

We use ten-point scale (1 to 10) for assessing a translation
8-10: The translation had only a few minor issues (if any).
6-8: The translation is ready to be sent to the client after some revision.
3-5: The translation contains far too many errors to correct in a reasonable amount of time.
1-3: The translation is so bad that it’s completely unusable.

Your rating is determined based on the factors below:

  • The number of mistakes you make in your translations
  • How well and how honestly you assess and rate other translators if you revise their work
  • The ratings you receive from the revisor and from clients

You might be interested in this FAQ question
How are corrections in a text counted?


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