In general, how does Fairlingo work for translators and revisors?

Vertaalbureau Fairlingo offers 3 kinds of assignments:

  1. Translation assignments
  2. Correction assignments
  3. Post-editing assignments 


For translation and correction assignments:

1: A translation assignment is sent to the translators that are suitable for the level and languages chosen.
2: The first translator to accept the assignment gets to work on the translation.
3: The first revisor to accept the assignment improves the translation (revision), after which it is sent to the client.
4: The translators are paid per word that they translate. A small amount is deducted from the translator's pay for each mistake.
5: The revisors are paid per word that they revised.
6: Our algorithm safeguards the translation's quality. If a translator is making too many mistakes, another translator will take over.
7: You will be paid via PayPal, two weeks after finishing the assignment.


For post-editing assignments:

1: The text will be translated by our translation machine.
2: The first revisor to accept the assignment improves the translation (post editing), after which it is sent to the client.
3: The translators are paid per word they revised.
4: Our algorithm safeguards the translation's quality. If a translator is making too many mistakes, another translator will take over.
5: You will be paid via PayPal, two weeks after finishing the assignment.



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